Xenopixel Neopixel HERO Skywalker Functional Lightsaber:
Comes with:
-USB charger
-Diameter 1inch and length 92cm Heavygrade neopixel blade
- Usermanual
-Allen key and screws for blade retention
Features Include:
- 47 loud and clear movie fonts e.g. Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, Cal Kestis, Mandalorian darksaber, Leia, Rey, Obi WAN , Kylo Ren, etc.);
-infinite colourchanging;
-Smoothswing (proffieboard 2.2 has the best on the market)flash on clash;
- Localised lock up
- blaster blocks
-Neopixel blade effects :fire blade effects, flickering, frost etc.
-Movie musics with each sound font.
-Heavygrade thick walled Neopixel blade, helps to protect your blade better from potential damage during heavy duelling.
-The Entire electronic kit is carefully protected in a removable chassis , they are built to last.
Neopixel Blade is Brighter and Light is more even than baselit, with scroll up and down effects, just like in the movies.
RGBX Baselit Option:
Key Features:
12watts LED RGB Colour - Red,Green,Blue,Yellow,Purple,white,orange,cyan - All available in the settings
RGBX Smoothswing SoundBoard
- Sound effetcs featuring:The Emperor, Count Dooku, General Grevious, Kylo Ren, Darth Vader, Fallen order,Ben Solo, Graflex and Rey Skywalker. In total 9 sound fonts.
-Flash on Clash
-Pulse (fast flickering)
-Infinite colourchanging
-Smoothswing(Latest Technology)
-The Entire electronic kit is carefully protected in a removable chassis , they are built to last.
3watt Speaker - Adjustable volume: Low/High or mute.
Built-in Battery - 3400mAh 18650 3.7V
Blade - 92cm 1 inch diameter duelling blade
All Fully Installed sabers come with blade, USB charging cable, user manual , allen key and screws for blade retention.