The ‘Path Finder’ is a unique custom saber , mixing many elements of sabers from original and prequels trilogies including control box, thin neck and belt clip.
- 3mm Polycarbonate Neo blade
- 50w RGB Neopixel strip
- Bluetooth enabled
- Safety protected 18650 3600mAh 3.7v Battery
- SD card that you can add and remove fonts
- Over 30 sound fonts pre installed
- Blade styles (rainbow, candy, fire, unstable, cracked and more)
- 10 different ignition styles including blaster mode
- Gesture control
- Duel Ready
- Flash on clash
- Blaster block
- Removable blade
- Smooth swing
- Multiple Colours
- 3mm Polycarbonate Neo Blade
- 50w LGT Neopixel blade
- Safety protected 18650 3600mAh 3.7v Battery
- SD card that you can add and remove fonts
- Over 20 sound fonts pre installed
- Completely programmable board regarded as the best on the market
- Duel Ready
- Flash on clash
- Blaster block
- Removable blade
- Smooth swing
- Multiple Colours